
UPDATE: Regulatory Changes May Affect Your Compounded Preparations

Patient Information

{{ selectPatientError }}

Patient Form

Please fill in all required fields for the patient (denoted by *).
{{ selectedOwnerError }}

RX Information

Fill out the details for this prescription item please:

Please fill in all required fields for the prescription (denoted by *).
Sending Cart

Send Cart to a Client

{{ sendCartError }}
{{ sendCartNewPhysicianError }}
{{ sendCartNewPatientError }}

Shopping Cart

This item requires a heavy ship fee of $15.00
This product requires refrigeration, and must be shipped overnight
Sent By Vet: {{ lineItem.prescription.doctor.first_name }} {{ lineItem.prescription.doctor.last_name }}
Signed or Unsigned: {{ attribute.value }} {{ attribute.attribute | formatAttributeKey }}: {{ attribute.value }}
Patient: {{ lineItem.prescription.patient.name }}
Rx Details: Unknown
Refills: {{ lineItem.prescription.totalRefills }}
Directions: {{ lineItem.prescription.directions }}
Notes: {{ lineItem.prescription.notes }}
Click to Enter RX Info
{{ lineItem.unitPrice | formatMoney }}
{{ lineItem.unitPrice * lineItem.quantity | formatMoney }}

There are no items in your cart.

{{ subtotal | formatMoney }}
{{ total | formatMoney }}

© 2024 Rood & Riddle Veterinary Pharmacy. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed by the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy and a member of the American Pharmacy Services Corporation.