
UPDATE: Regulatory Changes May Affect Your Compounded Preparations

(Thiabendazole 40mg/Dexamethasone 1mg/Neomycin Sulfate 3.2mg/ml)

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Product Description

Dermatologic Solution TRESADERM is indicated as an aid in the treatment of certain bacterial, mycotic, and inflammatory dermatoses and otitis externa in dogs and cats. Both acute and chronic forms of these skin disorders respond to treatment with TRESADERM. Many forms of dermatosis are caused by bacteria (chiefly Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus vulgaris and Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Moreover, these organisms often act as opportunistic or concurrent pathogens that may complicate already established mycotic skin disorders, or otoacariasis caused by Otodectes cynotis. The principal etiologic agents of dermatomycoses in dogs and cats are species of the genera Microsporum and Trichophyton. The efficacy of neomycin as an antibacterial agent, with activity against both gram-negative and gram-positive pathogens, is well documented. Detailed studies in various laboratories have verified the significant activity thiabendazole displays against the important dermatophytes. Dexamethasone, a synthetic adrenocorticoid steroid, inhibits the reaction of connective tissue to injury and suppresses the classic inflammatory manifestations of skin disease. The formulation for TRESADERM combines these several activities in a complementary form for control of the discomfort and direct treatment of dermatitis and otitis externa produced by the above-mentioned infectious 

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